Friday, February 27, 2009

Hurry up and wait

I'm sick of this office. I'm sick of waiting for the feds. I just want to go home. Right now I'm sitting at an office at London Stansted airport waiting to bring an airplane home. All we're waiting for are a couple of articles of official paperwork and we can start jetting westbound. If it doesn't happen today then it's time to give it a go tomorrow morning bright and early. My problem with it is why it's taken so long for some of this crap to go through.

I know, I get it, I'm a quality guy and these things take time but WTF!!!!

Sorry, I'm getting whiny again.

The flight over and the stay here at Stansted has been fine. The people I'm working with are fine as well. It just seems that these things get pushed on so damn fast that things get missed. Oh what the hell.

Plus I want to get home and see the 10 year old...he broke his right wrist at practice this week so I'm obviously bummed about that. Poor kid.
