For whatever reason, the afternoon of August 1st, 2007 was maddening. I don't remember if the kids were being unruly, or if I had had a trying day at the office. I just remember being frustrated.
Then my mom called.
"Turn on the news!" were the first words out of her mouth.
"Why?" I answered back.
"Just turn it on." And so I did.
And so I stood in front of the television, dumbfounded at what I was watching. The whole bridge is in the water? All those cars? All those people?
Oh my God.
My oldest son was standing next to me watching the TV coverage and I slowly realized something....
Both he and my parents had been on that bridge that very morning. Oh my God again.
I won't pretend to know what it was like to experience what so many people experienced on that day. I hope that I never have to face a destiny like that, but who knows. 13 people lost their lives that day, many more injured physically, mentally, and spiritually.
In my selfish world I wonder what could have been.